Mixed Media
Jane Cordery
Initially an abstract painter, Jane’s eye has consistently been drawn to line and form and both continue to be overtly expressed in her work. As a prior HR professional, Jane’s art practice alludes to human fragility, our need for connection – to each other, our environment, our history and our memories. In her current projects she expresses a sense of connection using both sculpture – typically using thread and glass - and through drawing and painting. Her ideas bounce between drawing and sculpture, feeding off each other. For Jane, lines are often suggestive of connection or disconnect. In her sculptures, the use of glass as a support speaks of both fragility and inner and outer worlds. Line and form become the primary point of view with a tangible connection to ‘something’. She deliberately removes time and place, allowing the viewer to interpret their own sense of connection to her work.
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Jane Cordery and Nick Hebditch, Pure Art360 Edition 1, Sept 2020
Jane Cordery, Pure Art360 Edition 2, April 2021