Garry James


Pure interviews online marketing expert Garry James of Switchplane…

Please can you tell us a bit about your story, and how you got to where you are now?

I studied Journalism at university and went to work in events and tourism marketing.

I have always looked for new and interesting marketing projects to work on, and this has allowed me to work in different industries and sectors within marketing.

I am currently Head of Marketing for Switchplane, a custom software agency based in Eastbourne, who work with medium-sized clients across the South East.

As the Head of Marketing for Switchplane, are you able to give us your BIGGEST marketing tip?

Be human.

Seriously, customers are bored of dealing with faceless organisations who have no personality. Customers like to buy from other people. Show off the people in your business, and do not be afraid to get in front of the camera and speak directly to your customers.

Right now, big brands are trying to create personalities for their brands. Small businesses sometimes do the opposite and want to be seen as larger than they actually are. Don't do this.

Show your personality off. This can be done in a range of different formats from social media to in person.

Speaking of personal, how did you find your experience on PURE Talks?

I am used to giving presentations and seminars, and what I found strange is that I did not have to prepare anything. This was the best part about taking part because it is just a conversation.

This is kudos to Lesley as she makes her guests feel relaxed and moves the conversation in different directions.

Speaking of different directions… What is one thing people would be surprised to know about you?

I wanted to be a history teacher when I was younger until I realised that dealing with children was incredibly different. I now like to teach, in a different format.

Is there one piece of advice you would give someone who is starting to build relationships with clients?

I do not want to put you off, but it is hard and takes time. It is very unlikely that you will have immediate success. You have to spend a good year trying to build relationships before anything comes to fruition. My advice would be don't give up because that is the easy thing to do, but also know when something that you're doing is not working and get ready to change it.

If you could have a meal with anyone from any time, who would it be with?

Nicola Sturgeon - and hear me out.

I may not agree with all of her politics, but as a fellow Scottish person, she is an incredibly powerful and influential leader in Scotland, and the wider world. She fly's the flag for brand Scotland whenever she can and is an inspiration to young girls in Scotland that she can do a better job than any male politician could.

I also think she would be a great laugh and would tell some shocking stories.

Nicola - hit me up!

That sounds like fun! Tell us...what do you normally do for fun?

Outside of work, I love learning new hobbies.

I have self-taught myself how to play the ukelele from YouTube, and occasionally go kayaking (perks of living by the ocean).

Anything else?

I love to cook and experiment with new cuisines. Some experiments turn out amazingly, others not so well.

What has been the most rewarding project you’ve worked on?

I worked with Hastings Pier Charity which was an incredible project to be involved in. The pier has over 100 years of history, and with this comes emotions and connections from people all over the world. I heard stories about people getting married on the pier, scattering ashes on the pier and having such a love and affection for a tourist attraction. I had never experienced this before, and it was a real education.

Is there a piece of advice you live your life by?

Don't take life too seriously. I try not to worry about a lot, because what's the point. You only get one chance, one shot, and why second guess and worry about everything you do. I would rather take a risk and deal with the consequences than do nothing at all.


Sue Jelley


Martin Riley