Martin Riley

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Pure interviews business coach Martin Riley of The Business Jet Engine…

How would you describe yourself? 

Kind, thoughtful, empathic, reflective. I am an introvert with an extrovert trying to get out. I would also describe myself as a recovering perfectionist – and ex-knight in shining armour.

Please could you tell us who or what has had the most significant influence on your life? 

There have been many people, but I’d include Gil Dove whom I worked alongside in London for over 10 years – but he also mentored me in coaching. I would also include Joseph Campbell – he helped me understand the ‘big picture’ for the life journey – The Hero’s Journey. He gave me the picture on the jigsaw box, so I then knew where all the little pieces went.

What motivates you? 

Love. People. Doing the right thing and the things that matter.

How would you describe yourself? 

Kind, thoughtful, empathic, reflective. I am an introvert with an extrovert trying to get out. I would also describe myself as a recovering perfectionist – and ex-knight in shining armour.

Please could you tell us who or what has had the most significant influence on your life? 

There have been many people, but I’d include Gil Dove whom I worked alongside in London for over 10 years – but he also mentored me in coaching. I would also include Joseph Campbell – he helped me understand the ‘big picture’ for the life journey – The Hero’s Journey. He gave me the picture on the jigsaw box, so I then knew where all the little pieces went.

What motivates you? 

Love. People. Doing the right thing and the things that matter.

If you could compare yourself with any animal, which would it be and why? 

A dragon – they surf the deeper mysteries of life... or an eagle or black panther.. or just a friendly Labrador!

If you had a choice between 2 superpowers, being invisible or flying, which would you choose?

Flying every time. It's why I ride a motorbike - it's cheaper than a plane.

When we can travel again, what international destination do you most want to visit? 

Greece. I like the scenery, laid back friendliness, fresh food – especially sea food, warm nights and a beach.


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Gita Joshi