Fran White, Becoming Chrissy


Acrylic & mixed media on wooden board, Framed size 54cm x 54cm x 3cm

In 1998 Fran started a Book Club with 2 friends. They soon became 5 and met every 6 weeks or so in each others' homes to discuss our views on the chosen book. When they were talking about Michelle Obama's BECOMING at Jo's Fran realised it was a perfect setting to take photos of everyone in order to paint them for her WOMEN WHO READ series.

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Acrylic & mixed media on wooden board, Framed size 54cm x 54cm x 3cm

In 1998 Fran started a Book Club with 2 friends. They soon became 5 and met every 6 weeks or so in each others' homes to discuss our views on the chosen book. When they were talking about Michelle Obama's BECOMING at Jo's Fran realised it was a perfect setting to take photos of everyone in order to paint them for her WOMEN WHO READ series.

Acrylic & mixed media on wooden board, Framed size 54cm x 54cm x 3cm

In 1998 Fran started a Book Club with 2 friends. They soon became 5 and met every 6 weeks or so in each others' homes to discuss our views on the chosen book. When they were talking about Michelle Obama's BECOMING at Jo's Fran realised it was a perfect setting to take photos of everyone in order to paint them for her WOMEN WHO READ series.